What does .CO mean (suffix)? What is the meaning of .CO? What is .CO in a web address?

Every website lives within a domain space such as .com, .net, .biz and others. Introduced to satisfy the need for short and memorable web addresses, .CO is a new domain extension that offers you a global option for branding your online presence.

.CO is already meaningful and recognizable in multiple languages and cultures.

  • It’s the acronym for “company”. For most people, the two letters – CO – are recognized as meaning company and/or corporation across the globe. Look around and someone near you is already using the letters CO in that context.
  • It’s used in country-code domain extensions. More than 20 countries use .CO to mean company and/or commercial content in their websites (e.g. .co.uk, .co.in, .co.il, .co.jp, etc.). By adding a .CO domain to their online marketing strategy, country specific websites can now have a version of their site serving their global customers.



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